Adrère Amellal, a charming hotel

The Adrère Amellal is a highly recommended hotel located in Egypt , although this recommendation is only valid for a few days there. It is very charming and is located near the city of Siva , about 16 kilometers away. It is traditional , romantic and ecological , although it also has some limitations that are good to know before making a reservation.

Its 40 rooms are decorated in a totally different way. Each of them is unique, although they all agree on something: there is neither electricity nor telephone . Mobile phones can only be used inside the rooms, which is a significant hassle.

The location and views are practically unbeatable. It is located at the foot of the mountain and in front of a lake. Candles and torches are not lacking at night, although we try to make the most of sunlight and moonlight. The food and staff wo n’t let you down either. You will surely live a unique experience.