Comoros Islands

This is a curious country made up of small islands located in the southeast of Africa. If you want to lose yourself and forget everything that surrounds you for a few days this is your ideal destination. Far removed from the clutter of many conventional paradises with huge hotels and spectacular nightclubs, the Comoros Islands are such a lost place that even a fugitive could hide there.

Rich in Swahili and Muslim culture, the charming inhabitants of the Comoros come from a legendary population of Arab merchants, Persian sultans, African slaves, and Portuguese pirates. The islands offer everything from relaxing on white sand beaches with turquoise waters to hiking trails through rainforests in search of giant bats.

Greater Comoros , the largest of the islands, has the largest active volcano in the world, Mount Karthala , which in 2005 wiped out some villages in the area. The aftermath, although a spectacular desert mountain landscape has been created, has helped promote hiking and trekking.

Mayotte is the island that partially belongs to France , but it has not been excluded from suffering the political madness that is experienced in the area. They have suffered almost 20 coups since their independence in 1975. In the islands everything moves "mora mora" (slowly slowly) and the tourist facilities leave much to be desired, but the tourist who goes to these islands knows where they are going: simply wants to get lost. If you decide to go to the islands, do not miss a good exotic safari that you will surely love.