Customs that you should not forget

When you decide to make a trip to another country, you should find out about local customs so as not to screw up and have a problem than another. Here are some tips that can help you avoid cultural friction:

– The temples and shoes
When visiting the temples, places of worship and even the houses of the people in the East, you should take off your shoes. Make sure to always wear clean socks and toenails in good condition.

– Hand signs
In most of the world, putting your thumb up means everything is fine, except if you are in Iran, where the thumb is a clear sign of offense, as it literally means "sit on this."

– Covered
In the East he will have to learn to use chopsticks. The best thing is that you do not signal with them and do not key them in the food, since this is considered an offense. Do not hit the plate with them either, since that gesture is the one made by beggars to ask for alms and it is not very well seen.

– Do not drink and talk
When traveling to northern Europe, Russia, and the countries of the former Soviet Union, toasts should be done seriously. In Russia, vodka must be drunk in one gulp and in Georgia and Azerbaijan it is rude to speak between toasts. These toasts can last for hours.

– Give flowers
Be careful with the flowers you give away. Carnations are used for funerals in Germany, Poland, and Sweden. In Belgium, Italy, France, Spain and Turkey they are chrysanthemums. In France and Austria, red roses indicate romantic interest. In Mexico and Chile, yellow roses are a sign of pain and separation. The odd numbers of flowers in China and Indonesia are bad luck and the even numbers are also bad luck in India, Turkey, Russia and Germany.