Find out before traveling to Liberia

Before you start planning your trip to Liberia you should keep one thing in mind: safety in the unpredictable area. The country has been on the list of non-recommended countries to travel to for quite some time. After almost two decades of war, Liberia seems to be slowly beginning to resurface. It seems that peace is being maintained in all regions and Liberians are excited about the work to rebuild their homes.

If Liberia stabilizes and opens up for tourists , it is sure to offer endless anecdotes to the most intrepid adventurers. The ancient hospitality and its enigmatic society do not leave anyone indifferent. Liberia’s artistic traditions rivaled those of any part of the continent. The traditions are still alive but in a very secret way since it is difficult to show the customs abroad in a country almost totally destroyed and traumatized.

Monrovia , is still "alive" but is still considered an unsafe place. The pity is that many nature-loving travelers, for now, will not be able to enjoy its dense tropical forests full of hundreds of birds, elephants, pygmy hippos, etc.

Along the coast completely deserted, are immense white sand beaches that are intermingled with some calm and lagoons where you could enjoy unforgettable days. As we mentioned, the current situation is quite positive but before planning a trip to this area it is best that you contact the Ministry to find out exactly what the security conditions are.