Google planes

Google , one of the most powerful companies in the world, it is not surprising that it has several aircraft in its possession. Specifically, the famous search engine owns a Boeing 767 , a Boeing 757 , an Alpha Jet fighter plane and two Gulfstream Vs. Logically, Eric Schimdt , CEO of the company, frequently uses one of the Gulfstream Vs to cross the United States from end to end. In addition, they also have a helicopter for smaller and urgent tours.

The Alpha Jet stands out above all. It is a combat aircraft that is used to train future military pilots. According to Google, it is used for scientific purposes.

You will wonder where he keeps his planes. Well, they do it at NASA’s private airport located in Mofflet Field for a rental. A total of 1.3 million euros a year is what they have to pay to lend them the space.

In short, Google is a giant that spans the Internet and also by land, sea and air.