Luxury services for Singapore Airlines travelers

Singapore Airlines has just released its new service, which can be used by those customers whose economic level is quite high. The fact is that the company offers to make "transfers" in a private jet, in Europe, for all those passengers who fly from Australia. These transfers are possible thanks to the collaboration agreement that the company has signed with the
Lufthansa Jet private services.

This service means that passengers flying to one of Singapore Airlines’ 14 European destinations will be able to continue their journey in a private jet bound for more than 1,000 airports in Europe. This project is very similar to the one already offered by PrivateConnect. British Airways merged with CitationAir announced earlier this year that it would provide private jet connections in North America for passengers arriving from other flights .

The European service, which will be provided exclusively to Star Alliance members of Singapore Airlines and Lufthansa, will be priced at a fixed price and based solely on distance, regardless of the number of travelers. The price: € 6,900 . Of course, for this high price, a " Private Jet Manager " is also included, which will be at the disposal of the traveler to organize meals, transfer luggage, hire limousine services and customs matters.

It is clear that this high-end service will become very popular with first-class passengers on Singapore Airlines, who already enjoy suites on board the A380s to London, Paris and Zurich. The price of this other service is about € 12,000 .