The main cities of India

New Delhi
India is a country located in South Asia. It is the seventh largest in the world and the second most populous. It is known for its fastest growing economy and broad purchasing power. It is a federal republic that is divided into twenty-eight states and seven territories. The states are divided into districts, which constitute the basic units of the nation’s administration. Some of the main cities that make it up are the ones I mention below.

New Delhi

New Delhi, the second largest metropolis in India, is the capital of the country. Located on the banks of the Yamuna River, it is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world. The archaeological remains in New Delhi give an account of the antiquity of this city.


The capital city of the state of Maharashtra is characterized as the financial capital of India. They live around thirteen million people and it is the second most populous city in the world.



It is the second largest city in Maharashtra, a relatively short distance from Mumbai, it is also one of the major cities in India. It houses some of the most famous historical places in the country. Pune is famous for its educational centers.


Situated on the Coromandel coast in the Bay of Bengal, the capital of Tamil Nadu is home to around 7 million people. Its economy is based on the automobile, the manufacture of hardware and medical assistance. Chennai has an international airport, two major ports, and five national highways that extend to other parts of India.