News in air travel

Thanks to monetary increases in flights, today you can enjoy a good and refreshing shower in order to make a much more pleasant trip. This, according to experts, is due to the fact that the average age of the managers of large airlines is falling as well as that of the users and they are even worrying about reducing the so-called “ jet lag ” and other secondary effects that it produces. the prolonged confinement in an airplane .

No one expects a return to the glory days of air travel, when airplanes were decorated three feet wide and even with bunks and a piano in the main " living room. " However, the bars are making a comeback along with other common spaces. The largest plane in the world is made up of two floors. It’s the Airbus A380 , claims it has 50% more space than the 747-400. Airbus has produced 13 of the largest aircraft in existence today belonging to three international airlines: Emirates , Qantas and Singapore .

On flights with Qantas you will find much more space inside the plane where you can make your trip in a very comfortable way. Emirates has equipped the first class of its A380 with spacious bathrooms including shower. Not to be outdone, Virgin Atlantic founder Richard Branson has hinted that he is considering adding a gym, casino, and private rooms with double beds to his planes.

Large airlines such as Delta and America join rivals such as JetBlue and Virgin America to offer services such as Wi-Fi and large televisions on their flights. In the Singapore company you can take your iPop or connect it on your seat.