Plans with children in the Basque Country

As we have already told you on numerous occasions, the Basque Country is a community with much to offer the traveler. In fact, here you will find interesting proposals for all types of tourists, including children. Therefore, if you are looking for a destination for a vacation or a family getaway, the Basque Country is, without a doubt, a magnificent choice.

To convince you of this, today at Vuela Viajes we are going to propose six plans in the Basque Country that the little ones in the house will love. These are plans offered by the official Euskadi tourism portal. Would you like to join us?

Donostia Aquarium

First of all, we want to talk about the Aquarium-Palacio del Mar de Donostia-San Sebastián, which offers an educational tour of the marine world. Here, young and old can enjoy three exhibition spaces. One of the most amazing is the Oceanarium, which offers a 360º view thanks to the methacrylate tunnel .

How could it be otherwise, this aquarium offers a wide program of activities. Thus, you can do from guided tours to dives , through the "Sleeping among fish" program, which allows you to discover the marine world at night.

The Forest of Oma

From the Euskadi tourism portal they also propose a visit to the Oma Forest, which is located in the small neighborhood of Oma, in Kortezubi. Known as the Animated Forest, this unique enclave was created by the Bilbao sculptor and painter Agustín Ibarrola more than 30 years ago.

It is an enchanted forest that points to a new relationship between art and nature. And it is that the artist left footprints in trees and stones, creating an immense canvas.

Salt Valley of Añana

Another plan that the little ones will like is the visit to the Valle Salado de Añana, which allows to know the secrets of the Salt of Añana from different points of view: natural, therapeutic, productive, historical-cultural, gastronomic …

The plan begins with a guided visit to the Salt Valley and offers the possibility of tasting the brine. In addition, young and old will be able to use the tools used by salineros. In fact, you can be part of the salt harvesting and packaging process. As if that were not enough, you can also enjoy the properties of brine in the open-air Saline Spa.

Vitoria-Gasteiz for children

The smallest of the house will be able to discover the history of Vitoria-Gasteiz in a fun way. With this plan you will walk the streets of the Old Town among soldiers, peasants, monks and merchants. During the tour you will look for the traces of important characters from other times.

In the company of the guide "The little history of Vitoria" you can have fun with hobbies , questions and activities.

Bodegas Valdemar with the family

You may think that visiting a winery with children is not a very appropriate plan, but in the case of Bodegas Valdemar it is different. And it is that during the visit, the children will help the little Count of Valdemar to find magical grapes through clues that they will find along the way.

Through a gymkhana, children will have fun learning , whether with aromas games, must tastings, searches with flashlights among the barrels…. In addition, in the cellar there is a play area for them alone. As if that were not enough, they will receive special gifts.

Speleotxiki. Arrikrutz Caves

Finally, they propose a trip to the underground world of the Oñati Arrikrutz caves, where children will immerse themselves in a dark maze of galleries. With the help of a map and a flashlight, they will have to find fossils, typical cave formations and the occasional animal.

The little ones will also have to climb, go through narrow areas and put their feet in flooded areas. Upon completing the route, they will receive a caving diploma .

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