America’s Spectacular Blue Range

In the United States there are countless spectacular places, not only cities but also natural landscapes that are worth visiting as they are impressive. One of them is the Blue Mountain Range , which goes from the state of Georgia to that of Pennsylvania. Mountains almost always covered with an intense fog that contrasts in an extraordinary way with the natural colors that there are thanks to the vegetation. That contrast makes an optical effect look like the mountains are really blue.

Blue Ridge Mountains is the name of these mountains officially, which are in a sparsely populated area of ​​this country, an area in which nature still predominates over the construction of man. This mountain range encompasses two spectacular national parks, the Shenandoah National Park (in the northern part) and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (in the southern part).

Mountainous system

In the Cordillera Azul you find the highest peaks in the country, with at least five mountains exceeding 1,500 meters in height. The highest point is Mt. Mitchell , which is in the part of the mountain range that passes through North Carolina and that exceeds 2,000 meters in height. Along the mountain range you can find several paths and routes that are perfect for cycling, walking or horseback riding. Without a doubt, an unbeatable experience with such a spectacular landscape in front of you.

Flora and fauna

The flora and fauna of the region is very varied and rich, with protected areas to preserve the most important local species, both plant and animal. They are especially protected from logging and agriculture, but great care is taken to avoid any danger. Among the best known animal species of the mountain range are the black bear, coyotes and various varieties of birds.