The fastest elevator in the world: 95 floors in 43 seconds!

The fastest elevator in the world
Currently there is a continuous race between construction companies, countries and owners to break all kinds of records. In fact, in recent days we have been able to see the tallest Ferris wheel in the world, the tower that will measure more than one kilometer or the hotel located higher than sea level. Well, today we have to tell you about a new record: that of the fastest elevator on the planet.

This speedy elevator will be found in the Chinese city of Guangzhou , where time seems to be worth its price in gold. Do you want to know how fast this prodigy of technology will reach?

95 floors in 43 seconds

The builders of the Guangzhou CTF Finance Center , a new 530-meter-high skyscraper, together with the Hitachi firm, will install elevators that will travel 95 floors (440 meters) in just 43 seconds. Yes! Yes! As you are reading it!

The fastest elevator in the world1

72 km / h

Undoubtedly, these machines, which will take a speed of 72 km / h, are a real claim for future tenants of the tower. Best of all, according to the company, the elevator technology will not only guarantee safety , but also a comfortable ride thanks to a system that prevents lateral vibration and reduces the auditory sensation caused by pressure differences.

Guangzhou Finance Center

As for the Guangzhou CTF Finance Center, it will be connected to the adjoining buildings through pedestrian bridges with a global sky-rising crystalline tower effect. It will house, among its 95 floors, offices, homes, a hotel, shops, restaurants and a movie theater. To move around the building, in addition to installing two of the fastest elevators in the world, Hitachi will put more than a hundred that will circulate at a slower speed.