Trafalgar Square in London

Trafalgar Square is one of the places in London that receives the most visits, a square that is a spectacular place where you can spend a whole day doing a lot of things and without getting bored since it is a whole world with everything you need. It has been called this way since the Battle of Trafalgar, although at first it bore the name of King William IV. In the center of the square is Nelson’s Column, a tribute to the naval hero Horacio Nelson, who died fighting Napoleon in the famous battle. It has two spectacular fountains on each side and in which every tourist takes a lot of photos as they are spectacular.

This place is the meeting place for all Londoners when there is something important to celebrate, be it the New Year’s Eve Chimes , the broadcast of an important sporting event, demonstrations, meetings or simply meeting a group of friends for a drink. . Thousands of people pass through it every day and it is also one of the most recognizable places in London in the world. Symbol of great social and political importance not only for London but for the whole country.

But not everything ends in the square, in the surroundings there are many places where you can find many things to do. The Museum of Art, the National Gallery, the Church of St. Martin’s , cafes, shops, restaurants and hotels are places where you can find many things of interest. Near Trafalgar Square you have neighborhoods of great importance in the city such as Soho (famous for its pubs, cinemas, theaters, nightclubs…) and Chinatown , which has a lot of oriental restaurants and shops.