Travel safely to Guatemala

Guatemala is a country dotted with forest-covered mountains interspersed with smoking volcanoes, with coastal areas to the south and the lowland zone to the north. With heavy rains, the lowlands can get quite hot and humid. The highlands are fortunate to experience moderately cold weather throughout the year. Steeped in the Mayan culture, the small cities and rural areas of Guatemala still preserve traditional beliefs .

Other places of tourist interest are Petén, Lake Atitlán, and the ruins of Tikal. Sadly, the capital, Guatemala City, and Antigua are known to be dangerous. Travelers who decide to travel through cities must remain alert and beware of robberies and armed robberies carried out in public transport , bus terminals, etc. To make your trip safe and avoid getting into trouble, you should take into account some of these tips:

– When you move from one place to another you must keep all your important documents (passport, travel and health insurance documents) safe in a safe box. You will have it available at the hotel where you are staying. Take photocopies with you.

– Do not carry large amounts of money with you.

– Don’t travel at night .

– Guatemala City is divided into zones. Of these, Zone 1, in particular, is where most criminals operate. Tourists are often the victims of robberies and muggings.

– Car theft is common on the roads leading to international airports. Cars and buses are the target of assailants who can even disguise themselves as policemen.

– Do not show valuables such as your iPod or laptop.