The birth of the Urederra

The birth or source (as it is known colloquially) of Urederra is located south of the Sierra de Urbasa . From the bowels of the rock of this mountain range, at about 600 meters of altitude is the spring where the Urederra river is born. After filtering, crossing the Karst massif and flowing through the underground aquifers, its waters escape from the rocks in the form of a waterfall.

The beauty of the place is the transparency and the blue color of its waters . There is also a path along its bank that takes you to its source and from which you can enjoy the game of beautiful jumps that the river makes between waterfalls and pools -which have been formed through the karst process-. It looks like a place out of a fairy tale.

Walking about five kilometers along this path for about an hour and a half, straight ahead and with a gentle slope, you will reach the place where we can enjoy this incredible blue river. Which is also surrounded by a magnificent and extensive forest of beech and oak, with some maples, poplars, willows, hazelnuts and ash trees, among many other species.

Although any time of the year is good to visit the source of the Urederra, this variety of trees is the reason why it is recommended to visit the place in autumn , since at that time is when the trees will change color and offer a wide variety of colors. . A spectacular corner like this, located in Navarra north of Estella and dyed in a beautiful blue and green, was declared a Natural Reserve a few years ago.