Customs in Japan

Before traveling to a country like Japan , you should take into account several customs ingrained in the country so as not to screw up and offend someone. Here are a few:

Do not move your hands when speaking, it can be interpreted as an intention to attack.

Never be late for an appointment . In Japan they are very punctual (trains, buses … they are not like in Spain).

Do not chew gum at work or in formal moments.

Avoid physical and visual contact with the person we are talking to. You don’t usually make eye contact with the person who is speaking. Shaking hands or patting the back is not common, there it is more normal to bow to say hello.

There is no such thing as … «Women first» .

Facial expressions are very important, sometimes more than words. Smile and you will be well seen.

– It is important not to speak with a very high tone of voice so as not to attract attention.

The shirt taken out of the pants is not the most correct there.

Workers usually wait for the boss to leave before they too. Nobody waits for the starting signal to go off running.

Always carry a business card for a formal meeting. It must be delivered with both hands and always face up. Never keep it in the back pocket of your pants.

Wearing a lot of jewelry, flashy clothes and abundant cologne is related to being from the "underworld . " So don’t try to show off.

On the escalators you have to crawl to the left side. The right side is usually for people who are in a hurry.

You never have to blow your nose in front of people, you have to leave the room to mock. If you cannot leave the room, be as discreet as possible, turning your back on whoever is with you and making little noise. Never use a cloth handkerchief, always a disposable one.

The walls of the houses are usually very thin and little insulation. You have to avoid talking loudly and having the TV very high according to what hours.

If you are offered a YUKATA (light summer kimono or robe), you have to first cross the left side over the right (the other way around is for those killed at funerals).

It is customary to bring food or drink when visiting someone.

When women laugh they always cover their mouths .

The highest ranking person has to sit behind the driver on a bus . In taxis , it is the person of the lowest rank who sits next to the driver.