Kairouan, the fourth holy city of Islam

Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem, that is the holy triumvirate of holy cities that Islam has. Behind them, and known as the fourth holy city of Islam is Kairouan in Tunisia . But this is not the only gallon it has, and it is also considered the first Muslim city in the Maghreb, and the holiest Muslim city on the African continent . Founded in 670 Kairouan, the legend that tells how this city was built is one of the most beautiful in Islamic culture. According to legend, a Muslim chief named Uqba ibn Nafi had a temple built on a dry plain where he miraculously saw a spring appear. Around the temple the city would grow.

The most important building in Kairouan is the Great Mosque , which is considered the great architectural jewel of North Africa . Built in 671 by order of Uqba ibn Nafi, it stands out for its three-story minaret and its 35 meters high.

After the Great Mosque, a must-see for its symbolism must be the Sidi Sahbi Mosque , also called the Barber Mosque . Sibi Sahbi was a saint who according to legend kept three hairs of Muhammad, which is why the mosque receives the name of the Barber.

After visiting the two most important architectural monuments in Kairouan, such as the Great Mosque and the Barber’s Mosque, if you want to experience the true essence of the bazaars and souks of this area of ​​North Africa, what better way than to walk through the original souks from the 13th century with its craft shops .