Laguna Colorada, the beautiful red lake of Bolivia

Laguna Colorada Bolivia
The other day we showed you some of the most amazing unusual colored lakes that can be found on the planet and today we want to focus on one of them. We are referring to the Laguna Colorada, a spectacular body of water found in Bolivia . As its name suggests, what makes this lake special is the red color of its waters, although there are many more than things to keep in mind about this wonderful Bolivian corner.

Would you like to discover more details about the Laguna Colorada ? Well, you know what you have to do! Do not miss anything that we tell you below!

A wonder of nature

The Laguna Colorada is considered one of the most important natural corners of the world, something that is not surprising if we consider that it is a salty lake that, depending on different factors, acquires tremendously beautiful reddish tones. This wonder of nature is found in the southwest of the Bolivian highlands. To be more exact, it is located in the Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve , in the department of PotosĂ­.

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The color of the water

Located more than 4,000 meters above sea level, the Laguna Colorada is shallow (35 centimeters), although it covers almost 60 square kilometers. As we have already mentioned, its main attraction is the color of its waters which, depending on the time of day and the intensity of the light, acquires different shades; coppery, vermilion, crimson … Those responsible for this phenomenon are halophilic microalgae called dunaliella salina that bloom during the day, giving the lake some magical hues. Of course, as we have told you before, there are other things that attract the attention of this corner of Bolivia.

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Other characteristics of the lake

Another surprising feature of the lagoon is that mounds of borax, an important boron compound, can be found in it. As you can see for yourself in the images that we show you in the gallery, the white saline crystals contrast in a wonderful way with the waters. And that’s not all! It is also important to note that, during the summer months, the lake fills with flamingos . It is estimated that more than 20 thousand flamingos arrive each year, although only a few hundred remain during the winter. The number of flamingos varies depending on different factors, such as the intensity of the cold weather or the reduction of food during winters. On the other hand, it should be noted that of the six species of flamingos that exist on the planet, three arrive each year at this lake. It is about Chilean, Andean and James flamenco.

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Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve

Before leaving you with our gallery, we want to tell you a little more about the place where the lagoon is located. We are referring to the Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve, which is the most visited Protected Area in Bolivia. Located at the heights of the Andes Mountains, in the most southwestern part of the country, it has the highest mountains on the border of Bolivia with Chile and Argentina, and stands out for being an area dotted with erupting volcanoes, geysers, fountains. hot springs and fumaroles. Without a doubt it is a place that is worth visiting at least once in your life. Then we leave you with our gallery , where you will find more images of the Laguna Colorada. Do not miss it!