Official languages ​​in South Africa

South Africa is a multilingual country and most South Africans speak at least two different languages. Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans and English are the languages ​​most spoken by most of the inhabitants of that area of ​​the country. In any case, the king par excellence is English . Surely if you need to make yourself understood, with English you will have it easy.

Then there is also a combination of the different languages that makes it easier for some people of different cultural origins to be able to communicate with each other. This mixture is known as Fanagalo . The main languages ​​spoken in South Africa are: Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, North Sotho, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu .

south africans
The literacy rate in South Africa is just under 82%. By definition, South African literacy means that people over the age of fifteen are capable of at least reading and writing. Most of the newspapers in South Africa are published in English. Radio stations broadcast their programs in English. In case you decide to listen to the radio during your trip, here is a list of the most important radio stations and the language in which they broadcast:

-Radio South Africa ( English )
-Radio 5 ( English )
-Radio 2000 ( English and Spanish )
-Buena Esperanza Estéreo ( bilingual: English and Spanish )
-Radio Jakaranda ( English, mainly )
-Highveld Stereo ( English )
-Radio Metro ( English )
-Swazi radio
-Ndebele radio
-Sotho radio
-Setswana stereo
-Radio tsonga
-Lotus radio ( English )