Share vacation with friends

Sharing vacations with friends can be a great experience, but sometimes living together can turn into an unforgettable nightmare. To avoid this, keep these tips in mind. Surely if everyone does their part, traveling with friends will be a pleasure.

Bet on consensus decisions , which are not authoritarian. Normally we are used to family vacations in which the mother, father or both coordinate the trip. But on vacation with friends if someone takes on that role, it is possible that it hinders coexistence. Holidays belong to everyone, therefore you have to meet to make consensual decisions, to ensure that everyone is happy and feels part of the group.

It will be essential to maintain a flexible and open attitude . Try to be supportive to guide the coexistence towards the right path. Encourage both you and your friends to be open to other options and don’t forget that vacations are a mutual commitment to enjoy. Not sharing the same values ​​and criteria when contributing money for common expenses is usually the cause of multiple discussions or conflicts. But what cannot be is that some finance the vacations of the rest and others that they return home with "their pockets full." Don’t let this happen. It is better to make a forecast and have everyone contribute the same amount for safe group expenses, such as room and board.

Make sure everyone has some freedom . It is a mistake to think that on a trip with friends you should be together all the time. If someone does not feel like going out or prefers to stay at the hotel resting, it is their choice. The key is to strike the necessary balance between sharing with your friends and not feeling compelled to do something you don’t want to do.

On the other hand, it is vital to maintain the order of personal and common spaces. We all know that it is something that nobody likes, but if everyone participates in cleaning what they have dirty it will be much easier. Keep your belongings in the suitcase so they don’t get mixed up. It encourages shared responsibilities , coexistence in this context involves housework: shopping, cooking and cleaning, taking out the trash and tidying up the house. Divide the aforementioned tasks in a consensual and equitable way, but the most important thing is that everyone commits to fulfilling them.