The most beautiful carnivals in the world

For what reason or reasons do you usually travel? There are many, but usually the answer that is repeated the most has to do with pleasure, fun and entertainment. And of course, those three words fall within the definition of a word that is heard strongly in some cities on the planet: carnival .

The most beautiful carnivals in the world are everywhere. The party takes over the streets and the experience is unforgettable, especially if you choose one of the ones I mention below, which as you will see are the most popular.

Rio de Janeiro: to the rhythm of samba

Rio de Janeiro's carnival
The most popular dance in Brazil is noted at the Rio de Janeiro Carnival, which is when street blocos are seen with their costumes, their music and their joy to dance without rest. At the Sambadrome, a stadium with a capacity for 75,000 spectators that fills up every year, you can experience one of the biggest shows on the planet.

Venice: the masks and the mystery

Venice's Carnival
If we had to choose the most elegant carnival in the world, without a doubt we would choose the Venice Carnival. Period costumes , wigs and masks transform the city of the canals, filling it with color to the surprise of tourists who arrive wanting not to miss a tradition that started in the 13th century. Masked balls, boat processions, costume parades in the crowded Plaza San Marcos … Are you sure you are going to miss it?

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Santa Cruz de Tenerife: fun in abundance

In Spain there are also incredible carnivals. The most popular of all is the one that is held every year in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, where drag queens shine like queens of transgression and spectacle, wearing the most striking costumes. The murgas and the troupes also have a place together with the parades and music. All this until Ash Wednesday arrives, which is when the burial of the sardine takes place.

Nice: the most floral of all

In Nice they also get their chests when they talk about their carnival, which lasts 15 days and leaves a very good taste in the mouth due to the good atmosphere that is breathed. There are costumes, parades and flowers . In fact, a battle of the flowers is organized in which many floats participate from which flowers are thrown to celebrate the arrival of spring. The Illuminated Corso is another of the highlights of the Nice Carnival, as it consists of a beautiful night parade of illuminated floats that depart from Place Masséna exhibiting a show of lights, music and huge figures.

Cologne: women to power!

Cologne carnival
As incredible as it may sound, you could say that Cologne Carnival is even more popular than Oktoberfest. It starts on the 11th of the 11th month at 11:11 am , so it is not like the rest of the carnivals, which are normally held between the months of February and March. It is known as "the fifth season of the year" and its most special day is the Weiberfastnacht (the women’s festival), since women take control by showing that they are the ones who are in charge, cutting the neckties of every man who is given to them. cross the road. When it comes to Carnival Monday, which is known as Rosenmontag ( Rose Monday), people come out into the street shouting Kamelle! Kamelle! , which means’ Candy! Candies!".

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