Tips to go green on vacation

natural landscape
Do you like to travel ? If the answer is yes, which I imagine yes, I must tell you that this is partly thanks to the beauty of our environment, which, no matter how much it has changed in recent decades, continues to surprise us with its natural beauty.

For that to continue to be the case and we do not have complaints about our future great-great-grandchildren, the best we can do is maintain an ecological attitude beyond our day to day life, since when we are on vacation we also have to look out for the health of the planet. That is why I have prepared a series of tips with which you could boast of ecological tourism .

Get around by public transport

Do not even think about renting a car during your vacation unless it is the only viable option to carry out all those plans that you have set yourself before leaving home. The ideal is to move with public transport, which is also usually the cheapest option to move, leaving aside those who prefer to walk or bike.

Traveling by public transport, less polluting gases are emitted into the atmosphere and there are no problems in accessing certain urban centers that do not allow access by cars.

Save water

Hotels don’t get tired of leaving notes telling us how we should place the towels depending on whether we want them to be changed or not. They are obviously looking out of their pocket, but beyond that they are also looking for the environment . That is why we recommend you shower instead of bathing and do so without exceeding the normal time of a shower.


Save electricity

Closely related to the water is the electricity. Why waste light foolishly? If at home you are careful and you turn off all the switches so as not to be scared when the bill from the electricity company on duty arrives, when you are on vacation try to behave the same, since money is not the only thing at stake when someone leaves a light on in a room that remains empty.

Respect everything around you

Not only do you have to be respectful of a camera’s flash when entering a museum where there are “no flash” signs. You also have to maintain that attitude with animals and with all the nature that surrounds us. We must not pluck flowers or do things that we know are inappropriate. What if all the tourists plucked a flower from a huge garden? Every gesture counts for good and bad.

Use the bins

It still amazes me that people are throwing papers down the street or from the car window. It is very rude and it is something that attracts attention anywhere in the world. Just like you wouldn’t want someone to mess up your house, don’t mess up other people’s.


Save paper

Do you have to print the accommodation papers or the tickets you have bought? He thinks that it is much better to show them from a mobile device , something that luckily more and more companies accept. In this way it is possible to save a lot of paper.

These are some of the tips that we should all take into account, but obviously there is more. What you have to do is be respectful both in your land and in the destinations you visit throughout your life. It is a way of respecting both the planet, which belongs to everyone, and the inhabitants of that place where we hope to spend some very pleasant days.

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