Tour of the Black Architecture of Guadalajara

Within Spain, there are cities and provinces that, perhaps, are the least touristy compared to others, but that also have many attractions to visit. This is the case of Guadalajara , where you can take a tour of the Black Architecture , whose area is located in the Natural Park of the Sierra Norte de Guadalajara. A route in which small towns are visited, which have the common characteristic of having maintained their architecture based on the black slate of the area over the years.


This route is characterized by the black slate constructions that are used both on the roofs and on the walls . They are buildings that also have in common being quite sober. An architectural style with which these municipalities are synthesized with the natural environment.

Among the towns that should be visited are La Vereda, Campillejo, Campillo de Ranas, Matallana, Robleluengo, El Espinar, Valverde de los Arroyos, Roblelacasa or Majaelrayo. All of them are in places in the shadow of Pico Ocejón , whose summit is located at 2,048 meters.

And a must-see, which can also be done on this tour, is also the town of Cogollado to see its Ducal Palace, which dates from the 16th century, as well as its Plaza Mayor, which is from the 15th century.

Tamajón is another of the towns on this route where it is convenient to make a stop to visit the Hermitage of Nuestra Señora de los Enebrales and the Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, both dating from the 13th century. It is advisable to make a longer stop in Retiendas to see the ruins of the Monastery of Bonaval , from the 12th century.

The environment

These towns are located in a region in which, in addition, the climatic variety can be observed, which allows very diverse forest formations such as beech, gall oaks or scots pine forests, among others.

Added to this is the wealth of fauna with species of birds of prey such as the golden eagle, the peregrine falcon, the eagle owl or the griffon vulture. Besides, you can see other animals such as roe deer, wolf, genet or wild cat.