Visit the Indian reservations in Arizona

Each of Arizona’s 22 American Indian reservations operates under its own unique governance structure. Each of them establishes its own rules for visitors, who should not think that they are all the same and can do what they want in each of them. There are, yes, a series of basic guidelines that must be followed. Take note:

– Taking photos, making video and audio recordings, as well as drawings, is a particularly sensitive subject. Certain permits may be required and fees may have to be paid. Restrictions vary, particularly for professionals. Therefore, it is important to contact each tribe in advance to find out their policies. Do not try to do any of the aforementioned activities without prior authorization.

– Special attention must be paid to sacred ceremonies . Observe them like any other religious ritual you are used to and remember that you must be dressed appropriately. Consider where you are going to sit, where you should stop, or if you will have to walk.

– Objects that fall during the ceremony should never be picked up.

– Refrain from talking to those involved in the ceremony.

Applause after rituals can be considered inappropriate.

– Some of the tribal buildings and structures may be several hundred years old and are easily damaged, so there is no need to climb the structures.

Animals or objects in the area should not be touched.

– Be careful when driving, especially at night. Much of the land in the reserves is open country, and small herds of sheep, goats, cows and horses roam freely along the roads.