A very surreal market in Thailand

Surreal market thailand
A few days ago one of those viral videos that travels the world in two days arrived on my mobile phone, so, possibly, you too have had the opportunity to see it.

In the video that, by the way, we show you at the end of the article, you can see a narrow market crossed by train tracks. So far everything seems more or less normal. However, the amazing thing comes when the train appears and all the stops wait until the last moment to remove their things and not be run over. Do you want to know more about this curious case? Well, watch out!

A big surprise

The market we are talking about is located in Mae Klong , Thailand, near Bangkok. At first glance, it is an ordinary Thai market, but it hides a great surprise. And it is that its 200 meters long are located entirely on the train tracks. And all because when the railway line that led to Bangkok was built at the beginning of the 20th century, the vendors refused to change places.

Surreal Market Thailand2

Back to normal in a few seconds

To avoid problems, when the train approaches (four times a day) it honks the horn and all the vendors fold their stops so that the locomotive can pass calmly (yes, practically over the merchandise ). Once the train has passed, everything is back to normal in a matter of seconds.

Surreal market thailand

A completely local market

Beyond this curious detail, the best thing about this market is that it is still completely local, with fresh products and without any kind of souvenir . And it is necessary to bear in mind that the markets in Thailand are, in general, a spectacle on their own.

Then we leave you with the video in which you can check everything that we have just told you. Do not miss it!