How to cancel an Iberia flight

When buying tickets to fly, it is best to be 100% sure, since canceling a flight is not an easy task. And is that most airlines do not offer much information about it. However, last minute inconveniences can always arise that prevent us from traveling or that force us to delay a trip.

The difficulty when canceling a flight is greater in low cost companies. In fact, many of them do not allow you to do so. Of course, there are others that even allow you to cancel a flight up to an hour before the flight takes off. Today we focus on Iberia , the main airline in our country. Specifically, we want to tell you how you can cancel a flight with this company. Would you like to join us?

Can an Iberia ticket be canceled?

As explained by the company, the possibility of being able to cancel a ticket will depend on the price purchased. Of course, it is important that you keep in mind that most of the rates with restrictions do not allow returns, refunds or exchanges. If the rates do allow it, the normal thing is that they have a penalty associated with them.

For example, Flex and Business packs allow the flight to be canceled and reimbursed before its departure, at an additional cost, while in Business Flex packs it can be done without penalty. Of course, it is important that you bear in mind that the price of these tickets is more expensive , so you will have to assess if it is worth it. In any case, the ticket management fee is never refundable.

If you want to check the refund conditions for tickets purchased on, you will have to access the reservation management on the website or call Serviberia. On the other hand, if you have purchased the ticket through an agency, you will have to contact them directly.

Cancellation due to death

It is important that you bear in mind that Ibera authorizes the full refund of an airline ticket in the event of the death of parents, children, spouse and in-laws of the ticket holder, that is, first-degree relatives. In these cases, you must submit the original death certificate and a photocopy of the family book. In order to manage this request, you must contact Serviberia directly. In case you have bought the ticket through an agency, you will have to contact them.

Flight change

What Iberia does allow is to change the flight date before it departs. In fact, it is something that you can do with all the rates. Of course, you will have to maintain the class of the ticket and, if there is no availability , it must always be a higher rate. In the latter case, the difference in rate must be paid, in addition to the corresponding management charge.


Change of names

Are you thinking of changing the names of your tickets or your seat reservations so as not to lose them? Well, you should know that this is not allowed. For this reason, Iberia reminds us that we must pay special attention when writing the names and surnames of the passengers. Logically, these must coincide with the documentation presented on the day of the flight. In fact, if the tickets on the ticket do not match the documentation, Iberia may deny the right to board.

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