The keys to enjoying the most gastronomic Madrid

On previous occasions, we have talked about the city of Madrid from a historical, architectural or cultural point of view. But the capital still offers many other attractions and possibilities to enjoy. And another of them is through its gastronomy , which is very diverse and goes beyond the well-known Madrid stew . Here we tell you some proposals for you to discover another side of the streets of this city.

Typical dishes

If there is a dish that identifies Madrid, it is the Madrid stew . There are several proposals to taste this dish, although many experts consider that the best is eaten at La Clave . In addition, it is the only one in four turns in the community and that it is paired with champagne .

The cod skewers are also typical, such as those served at Casa Labra, where you should not miss their soldiers from Pavia that are eaten on the street, as well as their croquettes.

Apart from the stew, in Madrid there are other gastronomic products that deserve to be tasted like sweets. The fritters cannot be missed, as well as the canutillos that are made with almonds and that are prepared, precisely, for a nearby date: November 1. Among the best places to buy them are Nunos because of the wide variety it has, although the most traditional is the Antigua PastelerĂ­a del Pozo , which has an oven that is more than 180 years old.

And, continuing with sweet proposals, the churros with chocolate cannot be absent either. A combination that is also very typical of Madrid that, above all, became popular in the festivals of the 19th century. Among the best known places to taste them is the Chocolatería San Ginés .


The gastronomic proposals of Madrid also go through knowing places with a lot of history. This is the case of the BotĂ­n restaurant , which is considered the oldest in the world according to the Guiness Book of Records. In addition, Ernest Hemingway affirmed that he was one of the best in the world and did not hesitate to place the end of his novel ‘Fiesta’ in this establishment.