Holy Week in Malaga

Holy Week Malaga
Do you already have plans for Easter ? No? Well, it’s time! And it is that there is little more than two weeks until one of the most important dates of the festive calendar in Spain arrives, and not only because many of us have vacations, but because in many communities and regions of the country they celebrate these festivities with intensity.

As happens every year, during these holidays many will take the opportunity to make a getaway to the beach. However, from Vuela Viajes we are going to propose that, instead of this, you enjoy the local traditions of some corner of the Spanish territory, even if you are not religious. Or better yet, what if you can do both? One way to enjoy the beach while knowing the intensity of Holy Week is to travel to Malaga. We’ll talk to you about how these holidays are lived there below!

Since the time of the Catholic Monarchs

The celebration of Holy Week in Malaga dates back to the time of the Catholic Monarchs and, as you can imagine, in few places is it experienced with such intensity as in this Andalusian province. In addition, you can enjoy a beautiful city by the sea.

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Nazarenes, mantillas and arrows

Holy Week fills the streets of Malaga with processional parades from Palm Sunday to Good Friday, with the peculiarity that here the steps are called “thrones”. What does not change with respect to other places in Andalusia is that you can find Nazarenes , women with a mantilla and, best of all, arrows sung to religious images that will leave even the most agnostic breathless.

Essential processions

If you are lucky enough to be able to make a getaway to Malaga during Holy Week, don’t forget to go to the Passion procession (Holy Monday), or to the Virgen del RocĂ­o, which is one of the most popular and beloved in Malaga.