Read a restaurant menu in any country

When we travel to other countries and we decide to eat in a restaurant, it is important that we know how to read well the menu that the waiter will quickly put in our hands. Even if it is in another language, try to remember that the distribution is usually the same as that of any other letter in your city. The art of writing a restaurant letter from anywhere in the world incorporates more than just good distribution: psychology and marketing.

Depending on the size of the menu , there are hot spots that our eyes will quickly fall on, even if we don’t understand the language. The first thing you should do is ask the waiter if he can bring you the menu in English. Surely with your basic English you know how to select, at least, the most striking dishes for your stomach. Depending on the restaurant you are in, remember that the so-called "signature cuisine" is always somewhat more expensive, so it is recommended that you order the odd typical dish .

A typical dish will allow you to get to know the gastronomy of the country much better and will allow you to save some money. When you see a menu card in another language for the first time, do not be scared, the distribution is usually the same: appetizers, salads, main dishes, and so on.

Once you have seen the dishes that make up the menu , remember to check the description of the products to see the ingredients. It is important that you are able to understand the ingredients of the dishes well, since there will be some that you try them for the first time and they may turn out to be unpleasant.