Travel to the Marshall Islands

The Marshall Islands form an archipelago that is in the northern part of Micronesia, in the North Pacific. There are about 1,200 islands and islets that extend in a spectacular landscape of coral reefs, coral lagoons and paradisiacal beaches. There you can find the largest coral lagoon in the world and that is in the Kwajalein Atoll.

This archipelago spans almost 1,300 kilometers and the coral reefs are attached to a volcanic platform that rises from the depths of the sea floor. The largest is Kwajalein , which has an area of ​​2,300 square kilometers and a 160-meter diameter coral lagoon.

The climate on these islands is tropical and they usually have a minimum temperature of 24ºC and a maximum of 32ºC, with high humidity and very little rainfall (more in the south than in the north). The natives of the Marshall Islands are of Micronesian origin and live in traditional villages that are charming, so it is worth visiting some of them instead of just staying on the beach every day.

The most populated islands are those of Majuro and Kwajalein since between them they concentrate two thirds of the population of the archipelago, so if what you are looking for is total tranquility in the middle of paradise, the best thing is to choose another island. The capital is Dalap-Uliga-Darrit and it is located on the Maluro Atoll . If you speak English you will be able to understand yourself perfectly since it is one of the two official languages ​​(the other is Chamorro).

On any of its islands you can do various water sports and outdoor activities, as well as being able to enjoy paradisiacal beaches with different characteristics so that you can choose the one you like the most. In the Marshall Islands there are two international airports and its own airline, the Air Marshall Islands. You can travel between islands in a boat and thus be able to make excursions through all of them.