Jericoacoara National Park in Brazil

In Brazil there is a truly spectacular environment, with many corners in which to discover impressive landscapes of great beauty. One of the most visited natural places in the entire country is the Jericoacoara National Park , which is 500 kilometers from Fortaleza. This park was formerly inhabited by the Caeté Indian tribe and on its paths you can enjoy unique landscapes that will surely make you fall in love.

The best way to get there is by taking a tour in a 4 × 4 from Fortaleza , a long journey but it will be worth it since you can choose several routes to enjoy different landscapes, and if not you can always do the last part in 4 × 4 to enjoy it more. The ideal is to choose one that takes you through several dunes so that the experience is much more rewarding. You can also go for another that goes along the beaches of the coast and that also has a fantastic landscape. The climate that you will find in the park is almost always humid and with a temperature between 22 and 35 degrees , depending on the time of year you go.

This park is a territory that still preserves the characteristics of the typical fishing villages in the area, achieving a perfect mix with the Indian heritage that it also has. On the beaches of Jericoacoara you can find many kilometers of sand and crystal clear waters, perfect in many areas for practicing sports such as kitesurfing or windsurfing, widely practiced since there are very windy areas and make some of the beaches perfect for practicing this sport.

A park where you can practice various outdoor activities and discover many of the most interesting flora and fauna in Brazil. The ideal is to be able to have a whole day. As a curiosity, to say that the beaches of Jericoacoara are among the 10 most beautiful in the world and are chosen by thousands of people every year to enjoy their vacations. Without a doubt, a very complete park that is worth visiting.