Tips for traveling by car

To go to your place of vacation you have several means of transport , such as the plane, the car or the train. The one you choose will surely depend on the distance and the comforts you want to have, as well as your preference for one or the other. If you are going to do yours by car, I will give you some tips so that you can do it in the most comfortable way possible:

– The greatest advantage of traveling by car is that you decide the route you are going to do and the timetables that are best for you. Regarding this, try to make the exit at a time that does not coincide with the one with the highest flow of vehicles so that you do not have to stand in a long queue.

– The first thing you have to do is organize the route and the stops that you are going to make in order to complete the route and have everything well prepared. You must bear in mind that you will probably have visits along the way that you did not have in mind, so set a wider time frame for each journey.

– Take an updated map of the places you want to visit, as well as a GPS in the car to know exactly the distances between each point.

– If you are going to make a route through several cities, take into account the distance between all of them and the time it will take you to complete each route. Always organize it so that from one stop to another is always the shortest possible time.

– When booking a hotel it is very important that you know if it has a garage or parking so you can leave your car. If it does not have it, find out if it is very difficult to park in that area, since it is not at all comfortable to have to walk a lot to get to the hotel nor is it a plan that you leave it overnight in a paid parking lot.

– Do not close in band to the plan you have programmed. Even if you are clear about the places you want to visit in each city, always ask the inhabitants to see if they make any special recommendations . Many times we are left without discovering spectacular places by going only to the places that are in the guides, especially as far as places to eat.

– Do not forget to check your vehicle a few days before to make sure that everything is fine, especially to go with greater safety and to avoid surprises.

– Keep a list with information of interest such as the address of the tourist office in each city, the telephone number of your insurance, where are the closest gas stations on your journeys, the telephone number of the hotels where you are going to stay …